Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17
Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17

adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17
  1. #Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 install
  2. #Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 mod
  3. #Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 code
adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17

#Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 code

Schtasks /delete /tn "adobe flash player updater" /f >%LogfilepathCmd%įOR /F %%I IN ('DATE /T') DO FOR /F %%J IN ('Time /T') DO echo %%I %%J end of script Error code script = %errorcode% - >%LogfilepathCmd%Ĭreate a text file called “mms.cfg” and copy in the following command lines. Sc delete "AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc" >%LogfilepathCmd% Sc stop "AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc" >%LogfilepathCmd% Rem Set the x86 parameter file, OS 圆4 "%~dp0mms.cfg" "%windir%\syswow64\macromed\flash\" /E /C /Q /R /Y "%~dp0mms.cfg" "%windir%\syswow64\" /E /C /Q /R /Y Move the flash x86 log /Y "%windir%\syswow64\macromed\flash\FlashInstall.log" "%LOGS%\%PackageName%_setup_Inst.log" Set the x86 parameter file, OS x86 "%~dp0mms.cfg" "%windir%\system32\macromed\flash\" /E /C /Q /R /Y "%~dp0mms.cfg" "%windir%\system32\" /E /C /Q /R /Y Move the flash x86 log /Y "%windir%\syswow64\macromed\flash\FlashInstall.log" "%LOGS%\%PackageName%_setup_Inst.log" >%LogfilepathCmd% If "%errorCode%"="1641" (Set errorCode=1641, The installer has initiated a restart Return Code of %AppliName% installation = %errorcode% >%LogfilepathCmd%

#Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 install

If "%errorCode%"="3010" (Set errorCode=3010, A restart is required to complet the install >%LogfilepathCmd% Start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0%MSIFile%" /qn /l* "C:\Log_Test\%PackageName%_insta_Script.txt" Rem Installation of %AppliName% >%LogfilepathCmd% >%LogfilepathCmd%įOR /F %%I IN ('DATE /T') DO FOR /F %%J IN ('Time /T') DO echo %%I %%J >%LogfilepathCmd%

adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17

If not exist "C:\Log_Test\" md - %AppliName% install script. Set LogfilepathCmd=C:\Log_Test\%PackageName%_Upd_Script.txt Set PackageNameScript=Adobe_Flash-Player_17.0.0.134 Set PackageName=Adobe_Flash-Player_17.0.0.134 “Install.cmd” text for Adobe Flash DESCRIPTION: Flash Player Active X Version = Variables_declaration-START = On the folder “ Deploy Flash Player Active X ” copy the “.msi” downloaded for Flash Player ActiveX.Ĭreate a text file called “install.cmd” and copy in the following command lines. Inside create two folders named “ Deploy Flash Player Active X ” and “ Deploy Flash Player Plug-in ”. MSI file can be downloaded for both at > Step 1: Create packageon your PCĬreate a folder with name “Deploy Flash Player Package”. Note: The script can run with and without SCCM 2012.

  • Deploy Flash Player Plug-in silently with script.
  • Deploy Flash Player ActiveX silently with script.
  • htaccess is not used didn't work for me.If older version is detected, this package will first uninstall the older version then proceed with the installation of newer version. Or perhaps I was doing something wrong? Does anyone else know what the file=path is for a default installation of Dokuwiki? Again, the suggested path for when.

    #Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17 mod

    mp3 file using this flashplayer plugin (the extended version) and it took me hours to figure out that I had to enable Mod Rewrite to get the flashplayer working out of the box after discovering URL rewriting is disabled by default in Dokuwiki. It was very annoying to say the least that I couldn't even load a simple. I just copied my skin, to \lib\plugins\flashplayer and used the skin=flashvar as follows:įile=/_media/test.mp3&skin=/lib/plugins/flashplayer/ With the default installation of Dokuwiki to htaccess (included in dokuwiki root)įile=/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=test.mp3 //never works even after mod_rewrite enabledĪfter enabling the mod_rewrite functionality as per Dokuwiki rewrite instructions, everything now works with the former relative path above but not the later.Īlso, I figured out custom skins will work with JW Player too. With Safari everything seems to work… any idea?įlashplayer plugin problem loading media via file=path_flashvar with mod-rewrite off on default Dokuwiki installation - SOLVED I have problems using your Plugin with Firefox 3 (mac OSX). To simplify the upgrade, just copy the new flvplayer.swf (it's all we need because we use embed) to plugin dir and modify line 67 to reflect the change. Hello, Since version 3.9 Flash Video Player has been renamed to FLV Player.

    adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17

    Thanks for the input, I've now updated the the code to resolve these issues. Return strpos(strtolower($str),strtolower($needle)) Otherwise the player will not show up in the page. = 'Adobe flash player plugin for firefox 17